Free 52 project: September & October | by Cambridge photographer Diana Hagues

It's been a busy couple of months since the children went back to school and our long summer adventures came to an abrupt end. With client shoots and general trying to get back into a routine, I've not had much time to pick up my camera and indulge in personal photography projects. I am thankful though that I do have photography friends that encourage me to keep practising my craft and one thing that I have continued to keep going is my freelensing, which I have since joined with an international group of ladies in sharing our monthly freelensed (Free52) photographs. 

We missed sharing last month, because as I said, life got busy. Happy to do a double-share from a few adventures we took in September and October. When you have finished, visit Renee Barth next to see the awesome images she has captured.


Rye Mead

This RSPB site in Hertfordshire is a large wetland nature reserve by the river Lee. I met up with a friend and her children here at the beginning of September. Our boys had a blast exploring around the lakes together and visiting the various bird hides. They seemed more interested in the insects and spiders they saw whilst there.


“Autumn, the year's last loveliest smile.”

The promise of an Indian summer came unexpectedly this month. The colour was just beautiful and I appreciated just sitting back or wandering in awe at the wonderful colours we were greeted with. It was just nice to be able to soak up the full beauty of Mother Nature and go walking in the woods, looking for fungi and at the light dancing between the trees. We enjoyed the Apple Day event in our local orchard in the middle of this month.

All things Halloween

It has to be said that my boys love all things to do with Halloween. One of my favourite trips that I look forward to every year is our annual visit to go pumpkin picking. This year we went a little earlier to the farm and was amazed by the sea of orange pumpkins that awaited us. We brought home a few more pumpkins than we intended.