Birth Photography: Documenting Birth In The Home | Documentary Baby and Family Photographer in Cambridge and East of England

One of the most profound moments that I was asked to photograph was in my very first birth photography session at the beginning of 2021. Being a documentary wedding photographer and family photographer for a number of years, I have been lucky enough to photograph people in their real intimate moments and create beautiful photographs for them that they would cherish and remember. So when I got the enquiry if I would do birth photography and document a home birth then, very naturally, I said yes.

Birth photography for mothers-to-be and expectant parents - Cambridge Birth Photographer

We had talked together during her pregnancy about her ideas for the birth photographs. As it is very important to me that the mother-to-be is comfortable with having me present as their birth photographer to photograph the labour and birth, I advise getting in touch with me as early as possible so we could go through your plans and make sure everything is understood ahead of time prior to 38 weeks from your expected due date.

On the night of this birth session, I had arrived in plenty of time to document the birth experience. The mother wanted a water birth at home, so I started to make some photographs of the grandmother (her birth partner) while she was preparing the birth pool with hot water. As I wanted to remain unobtrusive in order to document the events as they unfolded, I made sure I was stood in a position that allowed me to capture the delivery without causing any disturbance, being seen, or getting in the way.

Some of the images are shared below and it is hard to pick a favourite image from the series of photographs. One of the powerful moments that stood out for me, and I will never forget, are the photographs capturing the moments when the mother delivered her own baby in the water. Observing through those moments and the emotions on her face were summed up in this image.

At this point, I would say that I am so preoccupied with documenting the delivery and doing justice to the birth photos that any embarrassment you might feel towards having images of your body being on show, then you do not need to worry as I am focussing on the moment, rather than the messy parts.

The other birth photograph is the image of the grandmother looking on with pride, joy and awe at her daughter and her beautiful new granddaughter. Being able to observe and capture these emotions is what I live for and hope to give in your photographs, and I imagined the baby growing up to find her birth photographs to see the two most important women in her life look down on her with love.

The whole experience was very emotional and moving, which given the difficult times we were facing at that time, made making and giving this family the birth photographs even more poignant. Photographing honest moments in this family’s life for them to treasure and relive the memories for many years to come.

“Diana worked discreetly and took some lovely pictures during the birth of my daughter. It never felt intrusive and I hardly noticed her camera. We got a beautiful album afterward and it was a great experience which I’m glad we did. I would highly recommend Diana.”

- R.P.

Birth Photographer in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire and East of England

Birth photography in the UK is growing as parents-to-be are realising that it exists and you want birth photographs, as much as your own wedding photographs, to remember how it felt and to share those precious moments with your family. Every birth is different and capturing the birth experience is completely different from anything else. As a birth photographer, I will document the birth experience and capture all the tears and joy, to show you the realness and beauty in your birth story, and remind you of this magical and life-changing experience in your parenthood.

If you would like to get in touch with me to become your birth photographer to document this powerful event in your family’s life, then I’d love to hear from you.

Some of the birth photographs:

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